Who Are We?


Posh: adj. an informal adjective to describe a person, place, or thing as classy, fancy, or spiffy (e.g., a posh restaurant).

Panache: n. flamboyant confidence of style or manner; a stylish, original, and very confident way of doing things that makes people admire you.

360° : adj. covering all 360 degrees of a circle; (by extension) comprehensive; incorporating all points of view.


The mission of PoshPanache360° is to bridge the gap between the “round-the-way” girl & rest of the world by providing holistic tools for Melanin Dominant Women to CENTER SELF as a necessary component in healing the Melanin Dominant Community.


The vision of PoshPanache360° is for every Melanin Dominant girl & woman to have a safe space created by her, that speaks to every aspect of who she is.

The Story

We are YOU!

We are Melanin Dominant women daring to imagine what an online space looks like when it is created with the foundation being who we are at our core. We are wives & mothers & sisters & confidants & inspiration to the world & the most pure example of STRENGTH. We are Melanin Dominant women daring to explore buying & selling & laughing & crying & loving our way back to healthy communities!

We are Melanin Dominant women open to exploring what the technological landscape has to offer through OUR eyes. Through OUR experiences. For OUR benefit. We are the descendants of strength, beauty, & hard work…personified.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.